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How to Recharge Energy for Your Mind and Body


Do you feel lethargic, unmotivated and unproductive? Feeling exhausted in the morning or after a full day’s work is quite common these days. Despite an abundance of energy-boosting products out there, it is important to understand that our bodies naturally need a certain amount of rest and refueling for optimal functioning. With this in mind, here are some helpful tips on how to recharge your mental and physical energy so you can stay productive and healthy!

Recharge your physical batteries 


Taking Care of Your Body

Taking care of your body might make recharging your mind easier. Even if you don't have a physically demanding profession, stress can be detrimental to your health.

You can help your body in recharging by the following activities:

Take a Hot Bath

A hot bath can be soothing. Consider adding Epsom salt to your bath. Epsom salt includes compounds believed to eliminate toxins, improve muscle function, and reduce stress-related inflammation.

Related Link: How to Get Energy Without Caffeine: 5 Best Ways

Utilize a Scrub with Exfoliating Properties

Scrubs that exfoliate can help revitalize the body by increasing blood circulation. Look for scrubs with natural components like oats or salt. Rub them gently into damp skin and rinse with warm water. Good circulation can assist relieve stress, increase energy, and maintain the health of the body.

Change Your Diet

Diet has a significant effect on your energy levels. Each meal should include complex carbs, such as whole grains and starchy vegetables, along with lean proteins and healthy fats, according to experts. Even with a busy schedule, it is easy to prepare and consume healthful meals. If you require assistance or motivation, consult online resources such as the American Heart Association's guide.


A worried, weary body is more susceptible to harm than a healthy, calm one. Stretching your muscles for five minutes every few days can help you refresh. Take a yoga session once or twice per week to stretch thoroughly.


After a long day, it can be tempting to just watch television if you are extremely exhausted. However, this typically makes one feel even more exhausted. Instead of recharging while seated, consider getting up and moving about. Even 20 minutes of walking or cycling can leave you feeling energized for hours.


Scents such as lavender and sage are believed to have a calming effect on stressed individuals. Some aromatherapy essential oils can be massaged directly onto the body, rubbed on the wrists, or diffused into the air when combined with a carrier oil.

Have any questions about the energy boosting herb kava? Reach out to us now!

Get More Sleep

Sleep is the ultimate recharger for the body. Experts recommend seven to nine hours of sleep every night for persons aged 26 to 64 who are in good health. Less than six hours of sleep every night is a significant risk factor for workplace burnout. Establish a healthy sleep pattern by going to bed and waking up at the same time each day and adhering to other healthy sleep practices.

Take Naps

It is crucial to allow your body to relax between sleep and physical exercise. A 60 to 90 minute snooze might be a wonderful energy booster, according to experts. If you feel yourself becoming overly busy, schedule a nap to help you recover.

Recharge Your Mind

It is essential to take care of your mind. Often, thinking about the things that stress us out makes it more difficult to re-energize. Here are some activities that might help calm and stimulate your mind:

Create a List of Your Achievements

It is common to feel that you cannot keep up or that you are not doing enough. Sit down and make a quick list of your successes if you are feeling overwhelmed. This can provide you with motivation and energy to proceed.

Let go of Previous Mistakes

Focusing on past errors is a typical source of stress. Help let go of the past by concentrating on your future ambitions.

Do Something Enjoyable

Having pleasure is essential to maintaining mental wellness. A weekend excursion, meeting old friends, or going out can be beneficial.

Take Breaks From Depressing Situations and People

Take a break from individuals or situations that make you feel depressed. This may need postponing certain relationships until you have the energy to deal with them.

Spend Time with Cherished Loved Ones

Good people emit positive energy. Recharge by spending more time with people who uplift you, rather than those who pull you down.

Meditate or Pray

Studies and anecdotal data suggest that meditation or prayer can assist depressed or stressed individuals find meaning in their life.

Avoid Multitasking

Multitasking is a quick method to experience stress. Rather than multitasking, which makes you more prone to making mistakes, try concentrating on completing one activity at a time. Creating a checklist might help you maintain focus and keep track of your progress.

Remove Yourself from Technology.

On social media, the lives of others often appear "perfect," but they are rarely so. Feeling as though you must meet a certain expectation can be draining. Pause your social media usage.

Try something creative

Art is a fantastic method for relieving mental fatigue. Bring out your art materials and draw or paint. In addition, numerous book stores provide coloring books with intricate designs intended to ease tension.

Create a Journal

Keeping a journal is an excellent technique to relieve stress through emotional expression. Try to write for at least five minutes each day, preferably at the beginning or conclusion of the day. Doing so can also assist you solve any troubles you may be experiencing.

Related Link: Best Kava for Euphoria: Supplements Guide

Why People Sometimes Feel Exhausted

In most situations, a hectic or stressful lifestyle is the source of fatigue. Infrequently, pre-existing medical issues requiring treatment create fatigue.

Most likely, your fatigue is attributable to:

  • excessive or inadequate physical exercise
  • jet lag or another factor that disrupts circadian rhythm
  • Medication for insomnia or lack of sleep, such as antihistamines and cough medicine
  • poor eating habits
  • stress and alcohol or drug abuse

If you have tried the aforementioned methods and continue to feel constantly weary, you may want to consult a physician. They can examine you for any underlying medical disorders that could be contributing to your fatigue.

Looking to get your hands on some kava? Check out the kava products that we have.

Taking Care of Your Mind and Body

Sometimes we all need a little extra help getting through the day. If you’re looking for an energy boost that will also improve your focus and concentration, consider kratom or kava. These natural supplements have been used for centuries to promote mental and physical well-being, and they can do the same for you. 

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